One of my favorite places to shop has been Sugar for the gummy twin cherries that are surrounded by other sugar goodness.
Here is a list of reasons I love could never be complete...
- sugar tastes good
- candy is delicious
- cookies are delicious
- brownies make me happy
- the salted carmel cake pops at Starbucks are amazing
- I like to see children happy - they are happy when given sugary treats
- I like to see my husband happy - he is happy when given sugary treats
- Circuses, parades, birthday parties, general parties, fairs, boardwalks, vacations - they all promote a sugary good time!!!!
Why do I know I should not like sugar (the processed kind)?
- diabetes
- obesity
- mood crashes
- empty calories
- liver function
- metobolic function
- addictive nature
THE TIME HAS watch the documentary Fed Up, make new habits, and rid my life of its sugar addiction by saying good-bye. I decided that on June 3rd, 2015, I would choose to start living wisely with regards to sugar - a new life - a life without processed, refined sugar.
I spent the month prior preparing for THE day.
There was some very intentional prepartion that needed to take place. For one, I ate all the delicacies I would "miss" in the future. I took time out of a very busy month to make personal visits to locations that would miss me in the future. One such time, I gathered the troops (the family), loaded up the chariot (a 2007 Honda Odyssey), drove miles away (7 to be exact), and entered the lab (a bakery).
I sauntered into the smell of baking goodness to my favorite confectionery, Kneaders. As I stared at the display counters, my mouth watered at the sites of the deliciousness placed before my eyes. I planned carefully what dessert would be my last Kneaders dessert based on the choices of each and every one of my team members. I may have altered their decision making based on the needs of my taste buds that fine Thursday, May 28th where I had the task to taste each of the 6 members of my families, sweet, delicious delicacies all in the name of preparation.
Another item on the to do list - research alternatives...I DO intend to enjoy desserts in life - just not processed, sugary desserts. I did research to learn what sweeteners I WILL continue to
use or add into my life - honey, maple syrup, and a bit of stevia. There are a lot of alternative sweeteners....honey, molasses, maple syrup, stevia, agave, brown sugar, turbinado, yellow packets, blue packets, etc. Brown sugar is just processed white sugar in disguise; that's out! All of the chemically laiden artificial sweeteners don't match up to my attempt to live a whole foods, chemical free life; they're out. Agave is "natural" but is more concentrated than high fructose corn syrup, so the way our body processes it is actually not optimal either; that's out. The research on raw honey has boggled my mind. Across the board, all agree, there are amazing benefits of raw honey. Even the Bible mentions the need for honey in our lives. Honey will most certainly remain a sweetener in my household. Maple syrup is a great sweetener with a low glycemic index. Maple syrup stays! Stevia is a non-calorie, plant based sweetener with mixed reviews in the research I have done. I am not anti-stevia and it will have a place in my life. Molasses is also a good alternative, but quite frankly, it's nasty without processed sugar along with it (which is what brown sugar is). It's not out...but not one I would choose either.In order to make this a positive change in my life, I also need to know WHY I chose to do this. If I keep the why close to my heart, I will stick with a no sugar life.
My first why is spiritual - it first started as a part of a fast I was planning. As the time came nearer, I realized that it wasn't just for "a time" but that it would be for all time. When I crave and desire the sugar, I will remember the sacrifice of Jesus. This why really came out of a desire for a healthier life which is a continual process. I want to keep up with my future grandkids - that means that today I have to prepare for that time. Understanding why sugar is not good for my body is important. Years ago I gave up caffeine for health reasons and years later, I am better off because of it. I believe that when sugar is out of my life, I will have a clearer head, more sustained energy, less fat, and a healthier functioning immune system. The reminder of the benefits I will receive help me to push through the hard of no sugar!I look forward to making new things. I have been collecting recipes that don't replace my bad habits with new bad habits but with delicious foods that will have other benefits as well. It is so fun to learn new things.
Here is one recipe I am anxious to try...
Check out the link below the recipe to read about how many amazing health benefits there are when you eat this jello too!
Real Food Blueberry Jello Recipe
Posted By Robin Konie On May 18, 2015 @ 1:00 am
Real Food Blueberry Jello Recipe
- 3 cups blueberries
- 2 cups filtered water
- 1/2 cup maple syrup (preferably organic grade B)
- 1/8 cup lemon juice
- 3 Tbsp gelatin (preferably grass fed)
- Pour water and blueberries into a large pot and bring to a boil.
- Use an immersion blender to mash the blueberries and water.
- Strain the mixture and put back in the pot.
- Add syrup and lemon juice.
- Add 3 Tbsp gelatin and mix well with the immersion blender.
- Pour into a pan or jello mold.
- Let cool.
- Place in fridge for 2 hours.
- Enjoy!
Article printed from Thank Your Body:
URL to article:
Living Wisely is a continual process. As we grow and learn, we gain wisdom. Open your mind, learn, read, discern - never stop! May you be inspired to make a positive change in your life too!
gave is indeed "natural"., and has those small benefits. BUT: it also contains even more concentrated fructose, than high-fructose-corn-syrup. Look it up.
FRUCTOSE goes straight to fat storage--a liability for the obese and for most diabetics.
Yes, fructose "hits" slower than glucose--because it is going into long-term storage.
Better options for weight loss and blood sugar balancing would be Stevia, Monk Fruit, and yes, even molasses or a small amount of raw honey.
FRUCTOSE goes straight to fat storage--a liability for the obese and for most diabetics.
Yes, fructose "hits" slower than glucose--because it is going into long-term storage.
Better options for weight loss and blood sugar balancing would be Stevia, Monk Fruit, and yes, even molasses or a small amount of raw honey.
resources for more information: (notice the comments for information on Agave)